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What is Fiverr and how does it work?

Freelancing gurus in Pakistan talk about fiverr in their content and they urge youngsters to start their freelancng career from fiverr.But Lots of youngsters don,t know much about fiverr and they have question in their mind that what is fiverr app and how it works.So in this post I,ll try to explain all about fiverr to answer different questions which youngsters have in their mind about fiverr.

Fiverr is a freelancing platform and very pouplar in Pakistan. Thousands of freelancers are already working on fiverr from Pakistan.I also work on fiverr since 2016.On fiverr different sellers with different skills, sell their services to world wide clients or buyers.

To sell something on fiverr or to buy something on fiverr we need to sign up an account. After signing up a fiverr account sellers can create their gigs or services which they want to sell and buyers can buy these services if they have signed up their buyer account on fiverr.

Sellers on fiverr create gigs according to their skill set on fiverr , they showcase their portfolio in their gigs , write description about their service and create different price packages for their services.In price packages sellers list the items which they provide in each package and also set delivery time , revisions etc in their packages.On fiverr sellers can create 3 packages , Basic , Standard and Premium package.Each package has different price.

Buyers with fiverr buyer account can order a service from a choosen seller on fiverr . They choose a package and pay for it to fiverr.Seller deliver their work within delivery time and if buyer need revisions they will press the request revison button on fiverr order page otherwise they will press approve delivery button to complete the order.

After completing the order , buyers can drop feedback and they rate sellers service.Buyers rate sellers about their communication, service and recommend to others or not.

After order completion sellers release files of projects and deliver all files in buyers inbox.Payment of completed project remains with fiverr for few days and after few days it is cleared and sellers can then withdraw it to payoneer , paypal , fiverr revenue card or into their local bank accounts. So hopefully now you guys are clear that what is fiverr and how does it work!

Above i explained a little about fiverr and how the process works on it. Below i,ll try to answer different questions about fiverr:

What is fiverr account:

A fiverr account is a user profile on fiverr that we create to provide services to different business owners as freelancers or to hire services of different freelancers as buyers on fiverr for our business needs.Creation of fiverr account is free for both buyers and sellers and we can use this account to communicate with freelancers or business owners.

What is fiverr gig:

what is gig on fiverr, we can say simply that word Gig is a term used for word Service.After signing up an account freelancers create gigs on fiverr. Gigs are services that freelancers sell on fiverr. Gigs are created to advertise services. Gigs include portfolio images , gig description , pricing , delivery time , offerings etc. For example a graphic designer can create logo , stationary , banner design so many other gigs to advertise their services to fiverr buyers.

What is fiverr workspace:
Fiverr workplace is a project management and collaburation space. Its purpose is to make sure effective communication, secure invoicing & payment , file sharing , requesting revisions , trackign delivery time , setting mile stones , resolving disputes etc between buyer and fiverr freelancer while working on a project.

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Hey Welcome ! I am Khaqan Farooq , an ACCA  affiliate and BSc in Applied Accounting but a passionate Freelancer and Blogger. My online journey started from 2011. Want to read full story ?  Click here!

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